Saturday, August 16, 2008

Enlightenment and Thought

Eons of books tangle my hair all those

Words waiting to be read

Is it possible to gather thoughts and meaning

As waves of data

Splattered like paint over the universal arch to

Timelessness where the suns

That pose as stars in trillions of meteoric measures speak to us?

Worm holes and

Gothic towers all colliding in the

Cosmic flow of eternal ice and forever wind

Obsidian glass cracks open the frozen mind demanding

The master sitting in cross-leg wisdom profess to us while

Our inside hollows bite

Will I even listen as I gorge on thought?

The Buddha laughs at tender grass hoppers

Spirit isn't thought

But the essence of translucent light transference integrating all things

Unseen as seen and

All things known as not known

Thought and ego bleed forever and we obediently sit under the ancient rain of it

Catching its ruby sorrow in cupped hands as our own

But It is not

Nor will it will ever be!

Cries the master in silk and burlap scrolls

It's an illusion

A wish

A binding prayer of ignorance and blindness

Hold those trillion suns close to your naked face and let the

Cutting light and flaming ribbon stream

From every portal

Pore and pin prick

Cleanse the black bush scorching white

Bleeding pure

Until your oneness becomes REAL

The egoic embracing mind

For all its stalactite might

Will implode bombastically

Within its own separate cavern

© carol voccia 2008

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