Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Swollen Grief
Category: Writing and Poetry

I am swollen with grief

Its shadow batters me with ice waves

Finding portals in the cracks of sane

I asked you if it were better to witness my tears before you die

Then the misery would be over and I could bury you

Without sadness

But your blue dramatic slammed into my wails of horror

Marking your days and weak hours holding on to slips of memory

Morphine drip calmed demons scorching brain and gut

And you apologized for your life

In slurred speak offering your devotion in a two finger code

The end came with shallow breaths of warning

And I now stand in the middle of melting sand

My glass brittle

My grief cupped

A coffee stain with sugar cubed grit un-melted

Sifting to the bottom of me

My heart cutting at red

In Memory of Michael J. Mills

my devoted friend and partner

© carol voccia August 3, 2009