Wednesday, October 7, 2009

© carol voccia

for Jesse

All urgent and fresh feathered
Willing agility dancing around
Spike-filled roads
In those days of resilience and naïveté
Highway and rubber meshed speeding forward
As non-stop flight into imagination cradled abyss
Holding court on exposed nerve
Dangling failure as a dare
Cupped in brave
Spinning in blind
Faith held a place for a three point landing

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Swollen Grief
Category: Writing and Poetry

I am swollen with grief

Its shadow batters me with ice waves

Finding portals in the cracks of sane

I asked you if it were better to witness my tears before you die

Then the misery would be over and I could bury you

Without sadness

But your blue dramatic slammed into my wails of horror

Marking your days and weak hours holding on to slips of memory

Morphine drip calmed demons scorching brain and gut

And you apologized for your life

In slurred speak offering your devotion in a two finger code

The end came with shallow breaths of warning

And I now stand in the middle of melting sand

My glass brittle

My grief cupped

A coffee stain with sugar cubed grit un-melted

Sifting to the bottom of me

My heart cutting at red

In Memory of Michael J. Mills

my devoted friend and partner

© carol voccia August 3, 2009

Saturday, June 6, 2009

How I Spent my 60th Birthday

© carol voccia

June 3 2009

The valley shimmers softly in erotic warmth

Mounds of heaving earth painted in shades

Of vermilion and dark bark

A sixty foot swing tied us to an oak of grand proportions

And we rode ourselves as children among weightless glee

Defying earth and the gravity of memory

We flew against the swollen sky

Six decades of me stood aside as my hair

And skirt danced in hidden youth

Drinking laughter and glorious joy among the

Birds and smiling forest

We were four

Women of the sun-goddess commune

Feeding to each others fruit dipped in gold

Glowing within our own providence each

Scuffing clouds with every arch of the swing

Touching our wanton toes into the sultry air

We rose and fell from the arm of the oak

Remembering girlhood

charmed and timeless

In an afternoon that beaconed us to play in a moment of now

Monday, March 9, 2009

I Met Your Handsome Face Today
(for Dave Abbott-Smith)
© carol voccia March 7, 2009

I met your handsome face today
It arrived still holding a duffle bag of longing
My heart so heavy it might sink my life
Drowning from the wreckage

I looked into those aquamarines
Blinded by my own sad obsession
Of lost self
This body raged full of tears
Painfully living in between
Each breath you have taken since
We shut the door

I saw your handsome face today
In its sweet grace of aging
You remained to me in prime
Hidden among countless summers
And foggy morning musing
The clear sound of you endlessly vibrated
From the belly of my bell
Tolling in each unfulfilled sigh

I dreamt your handsome face today
You’ve rolled around forever on my tongue
Hard like sour candy
A bitter that is strangely sweet
Your residue climbed up my throat
Drowning my brain melting you out of my eyes

I reflected on your handsome face today
Tracing the soft smile you held
Oh so unaware that
You would ever find me in a future sky
But today you fell as a raindrop on my brow anyway
Filling the color on my canvas
As a pixel of bright that never dimmed

I fell behind the black screen of this confessional

On my bloody knees I crawled to speak
Holding on tightly for just a few more seconds
Wearing Holy Mass and Hail Mary’s
Kissing the beads that circle around your
Handsome face today

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Poetry is a Harsh Mistress © carol voccia 2009

Poetry and I fuck on the regular
Sliding into her slick she pours her
Vivid pink into empty hands
Inking her lips in metaphor
Piercing loud anvil hammers
Shatter messages hidden in her iron
She’s an afternoon shell game hiding the pea
She’s a shading oak in a summers park
She coughs a bitter stake inside the minds of mortals
Riding as a slut on every mans tongue
Napping in empty rooms she
Ties the sheets around unsuspecting ankles
She calls your name a necktie and pulls it in like a noose
She is stronger than light and harder than dark
Spitting hot fire flexing her arms flashing Mayday red
She tames mammoths with her rubber heals
Calcium lines her teeth in strange tongues
Roll a joint and smoke a dime with her
Main line her
Eat her froth while she rolls up your
Kingdom tossing it over her shoulder
There ain’t a soul with feet that can land a finger on her
She’s a beast spiting fire
She’s an angel in the center of aquamarine removing her
Garments in a circle of flowers
She is the inevitable test inside a devils contract
She’s double fisted cracking heaven wide open

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Death Will Meet Me
© carol voccia 2009

Death will gently meet me in the desert
Offering to quench my last thirst

Holding up a cup of spring to wash away my dry
Let me dive into it like a canyon wind
Sipping the endless drink
I will swallow whole the world and sky
Clinging to the moon in silent

Dress me in a drape of stars
Declare my dust and
Blow my ashes to the sun
Keep me warm in the endless dark
Death will keep me in the dew
Holding tight its arid frost
Marrying me in the ground forever

Until we meet again in the howling desert
I will gently meet you with a cup of spring

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Dying is Hard Business

© carol shoot 2008


Gravity presses the throat

Each breath labors in shallow gasps

The sky mocks the air sucking in and out

Nailing stained sheets with grey sweat

And clammy brine

Steel eyes stare to the world beyond

Mouth parched and gaping, calling home

Too late for prayers

For they are being answered with

Tapping time slowly measured in

A hollow drum

         A faded beat

A white rain

Suspended silent in its last reflecting drop

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Rock in January


The Rock in January  writen in reference to my days in San Luis Obispo County and Morro Bay California  (c) carol voccia 2007

The spine of the ancient valley

All but disintegrated into dust

Save the last vertebrate

Poking its rugged slate in the sand

    Lapping surf edged horizontal to the Morro.


A moss drenched reminder that

Once lava flowed to the sea

And the earth quaked in spasms

Along the San Andréa's and other slips of rock

Inching minuscule moments

As one continental plate went north

    The other traveled south over

        Ten million millenniums of time


The valley of sweeping grass feeding bovine, steer

Fragile lambs, sheep and herds of goats and other hooves

Furrowing sweet roots and thick green blades  

As the centuries moved from native brown to Spanish monks

Thieves of land squatter, settler, merchant and rogues of commerce

Farmers and cattle ranchers prevailed

While the rock stood stoic

         Silently guarding the gores

                Of fishermen belching and hooking the gills

                  Of the seas bounty



The bay lying at its feet took

Shape designed by a huge sand bar running north and south

Dredged its depths for docks

But not deep enough to host monumental ships of enterprise

Housing only small craft and sail boats lazily bobbing in the sandy shallows

Lapping along the tranquil bay

And the rock stood stalwart casting a granite eye

                        Over green waters watching, its brooding eroded jetty

                        Ragged and seaworthy

Glanced to the wide pacific

      Peering in fog and some time slanting sun streams

                  Over vasts of sea to thin horizon promising

                             Exotic places far in its endless west.


And, here I stand along a humble wooden dock

             Soaked in briny salt

             Grey dappled sweater wrapped around me

              Rose cheeks lifting a smile

                                       On my lips

Contemplating along lines of water tide and crashing wave

Small gulls over head cawing against

             Water breeze and slapping swells


All history brings to this place

      My standing watch, gazing, and thinking

Of the others before me and the ones who will follow

Tossing the moments of wind and bobbing boats

My mind strikes against the

Sea leaking its cross against tides

 Gashing cliffs chucking up abalone hulls

For gulls to pluck and feed from the bounteous pacific


It's the end of another year

And the beginning of all that is new and unfolding

As the sea and the eye of its grey mineral rock

           Casts its arm and lava breast to the west kissing the

                                     Angled sun


 Hold up the coastline, my friend,

               For a trillion more moments

               As I turn and start a new January